When interest rates fall, there are savings to be made. This is true for everyone, not just people currently looking for a new home or mortgage. This means that even if you have already bought your home or already committed to a mortgage, you can take real advantage of lower interest rates.
For many people this will not be necessary, as they will have a variable rate mortgage that goes down as interest rates fall and so you get to take advantage of lower interest rates as they come. However there are many situations in which re-mortgaging will be beneficial.
Step One
The first is for people who are tied into fixed rate mortgages at higher rates. Since their mortgage rate is fixed, they will not be getting any of the advantages of lower interest rates. This is an unenviable position and one of the best ways to get out of it is to re-mortgage on better terms. You will have to check if this is worthwhile however. If your existing mortgage has redemption penalties or an extended tie in, then getting out of the mortgage is likely to cost you a lot of money. You will also have to consider the arrangement or refinancing fees and add this to the cost of making...