Are you paying more than you need for your mortgage? If youve had a mortgage for a few years, do you know even what your interest rate is? Once the initial mortgage deal is done, you tend to forget about it. The payment goes out of your account with alarming regularity. If youre on your lenders standard variable rate, theres no doubt that you can save money by re-mortgaging.
Theres nothing complicated about arranging to re-mortgage your property. People are doing it all the time. Apart from the simple fact that you can save money by shopping around, there are other reasons for re-mortgaging too.
Someone whose family is growing may feel they ought to look for a bigger house. If the children are settled in local schools and rising house prices prevent a move within the area, they may consider improving their current home to provide more space and better facilities. A re-mortgage could provide the money to carry out these alterations.
Buy-to-let owners might be in the same situation as you. If they arranged their mortgage a few years ago, theyre probably paying much more than they need to. By re-mortgaging they may be able to carry out necessary repairs to the...