Are you doomed to failure in your business? Many will tell you that. After all, most small business ventures fail sometime within the first five years. Many people, sometimes even though well meaning, will try to discourage you from starting your own business. They will say you have to have a natural aptitude and talent for being in business. Or they might say, you have to be a born entrepreneur. Its your choice whether to believe them or not, but I say if you are motivated to start your own business chances are you have these qualities to some degree already.
Sure, there ARE skills that you absolutely need to have to be a successful businessperson. The good news though, is there are many ways to develop those skills along the way. Instead of focusing on those skills at first, you should be thinking about the qualities inherent to all good entrepreneurs.
First is perseverance. Remember your research paper/project you had to write back in school? Well this is your research project on steroids! At the beginning, you may learn many new things and concepts from your research that require further study and understanding. You move forward slow, but steady. The danger...