Read Reviews Before You Buy Bikes

| Total Words: 564

There are so many different models of bikes on the market today that it is almost impossible for the average rider to know them all. It’s a good thing, therefore, that bike magazines and websites provide reviews of all the bikes and gears available.

The sport of bicycling has exploded in the last several decades. No longer are people content with casual over-the-road cycling – not that that has lost its allure, merely that it has competition now. The sport has expanded to embrace adventure-loving individuals who like to head cross country on their fat-tired bikes, or head down mountains at full-tilt, or even go round and round in velodromes.

And with the expanding biking disciplines comes an expanding array of bicycles – each one specially designed with certain needs in mind.

Now that there are so many models available, made from so many different kinds of material, with all kinds of sophisticated gadgets on them, and with corresponding prices to match that sophisticatoin – it’s imperative that the buyer make an informed decision.

And how can buyers better inform themselves than by reading reviews of the latest models...

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