It’s one of the hardest things to do in this day and age of hyper-active kids and super busy, multi-tasking parents… but spending good quality time with your children doesn’t have to be a painful torture tactic.
One of the best, most enjoyable things you can do with your kids, is to read to them. This is a great way to connect with them and to share different parts of your life story in a natural, easy, and relaxed setting.
One of the best books, or sets of books, to start reading your kids, is the “Little House on the Prairie” series. Beginning in the late 1800’s, it tells the story of a distant, almost forgotten, time in American history. A time that many of us might not believe ever existed, if Laura Ingalls hadn’t shared her life with us.
Can you imagine living without cars, without light switches, without TVs? Well, once you start reading “Little House”, you will be transported, in your imagination, back to moments that seem almost surreal. A time where kids actually played outside, and got dirt between their toes and beneath their fingernails. Where children were thrilled to get 1 or 2 holiday...