We are familiar with the old line “bad things happen to good people”. Well, bad things can happen to good business as well, and in this day and age one is far more ready to meet problems than ever before. We may not consider the possibility of emergencies or disasters, but the reality is they can happen. What might be a disaster for one business could be a simple hiccup for another and vice versa. The bottom line is: if you and your business have not put in place an action plan for emergencies, your business could crash harder and faster than a car off a cliff. This is not the time to play Boy Scouts. But you should make use of their motto to guarantee that emergencies in your business place have an action plan – Be Prepared.
Mass notification is one of the first steps that you can take towards getting your organization ready for emergencies. You need to have a mass notification system in place to make certain that your employees, partners, and affiliates, have easy access to all the required data as and when emergencies arise. It ensures that the information does not get delayed, so that people can react and respond accordingly.
Email and SMS...