Real spells that work? The truth about REAL white witchcraft spells.
When people think of powerful love spells and energy influence, they think witch craft supplies of scented pillar candles, hogwarts, magic voodoo love spell dust or secret love potions being made over a black leaky cauldron. For thousands of years, civilization has relied on real spell knowledge, energy influence and herb medicine. The truth is that real wicca practice and ancient Egyptian spell work is nothing like the movies.
We are all connected through an energy network that links our spirituality, metaphysical and paranormal experiences. Through this network, those with an inherited gift and psychic ability can pass through time to gain a reading on your future. This same energy network influences what will come to be and can be altered through white magic. These charmed spells normally are passed through generations of shadow books.
There are many people that laugh at new age remedies. They have problems, but never seek the spiritual path. They hear the word pagan, occult or psychic powers and decide to run. Most people dont believe working with energy can help overcome a love,...