Is there such a thing as really cheap car insurance? I dont know how that happens unless you have a really cheap car that you hardly ever drive and nobody in your geographical area has had an accident in the last 20 years. That would drive the rates down significantly. The reality of that all occurring is somewhere between very slim and none. Car insurance is given its rates by insurance actuaries. They review claims experience in certain geographical areas along with driver age groups to obtain some of their criteria for determining rates. The kind of vehicle that you purchase has a lot to do with rates. Some vehicles have a very high theft rate. Its just not that simple to come up with a low rate with all of these unknown factors. The logical approach to finding low cost insurance is to gather insurance quotes from several companies and from that you may be able to find the lowest comparative rate.
Rating Factors
1. Geographical Area You have no control over the driving experience in your own back yard. That still doesnt negate the fact that your neighbors can affect your rates. The higher frequency of accidents in your area will increase the rates. The...