This article might be a bit different than you’ve come to expect from a webmaster-related article. The reason is that, in my opinion, it is a facet of the internet many people don’t really think about. And that is communication. But, by communication I mean more than just talking or writing. Read on…
What is Communication?
Communication is defined simply as the transferring of an idea or concept from one point to another with full duplication on the receiving side. This last component is one often forgotten. So, a full one-way communication would be Fred has an idea about a widget. He propels that idea across space to Ted. Ted receives the communication, understands it, and has full duplication on his end of the exact concept Fred was thinking about that widget. Now, a full two-way communication would be the above process, but with the addendum that Ted thereby acknowledge Fred for his communication, sending the acknowledgement across space to Fred, at which point Fred receives the acknowledgement and fully duplicates and understands the acknowledgement. Fred would then thank Ted for this acknowledgement.
So, what we have here is an...