Really? You Dont Need A Website Disaster And Recovery Program? Why?
If you answered YES to that, youre dead wrong my friend. Let me prove it to you by giving you real true-to-life examples.
Recently, I asked this question to one lady webmaster named Dorothy and she said quite simply,
Well, why should I do that? My webhost said that they guarantee 99.9% of the time, my website will be OK. Besides, I dont know how to do it if thats technical stuff. So why should I care?
That is the mindset of many people like her who really believed that the 99+% uptime guarantees found on the promises page of their webhosts is already their website insurance.
First of, whats a Disaster and Recovery Program?
Its all about a business owners plan of actions, systems and procedures that ensures business continuity when disruptions and disasters arise in the normal course of business.
Every major corporations and businesses worldwide have this on their yearly agenda as part of their risk management assessment. Its also known as the Business Continuity Program in the corporate world.
I know your online business and your websites are important to...