Your credit history is very important for you because when it comes to big loans your credit report will determine if you can get the loan and what rates youll have to pay. The credit report will matter a lot when you apply for a mortgage loan, for a car loan or for getting insurance on your house, your car or your life. If your credit report does not look so good it is possible that youll not get the loan or insurance or if you get it the interest will be higher than normal because you represent a risk for the loaner. On the other hand, if your credit report has a good score it will be much easier for you to obtain the necessary loan or insurance and the interest rates will be much smaller. In case you think that you fit into the first category, people with a bad credit report, rebuilding your credit history should be a top priority for you. I said a top priority because rebuilding your credit history is a difficult and long process that will take you several years but at the end youll be satisfied because then youll be able to get any credit you need.
Having a poor credit history will bring you only disadvantages: will be harder for you to get a loan or if you manage...