Coffee has been around for so many centuries, and is drunk in so many parts of the world, that there are a huge variety of ways to enjoy it. There are a great many more varieties than we can get out of our cappuccino machines. You can enjoy different coffees on their own, or mix them with flavorings, liqueurs and other beverages to make innumerable combinations. Caribbean coffee, Mexican Mocha, Grog, and the Cubano from Cuba are four of a much greater selection of options.
To make a Caribbean coffee, you need to heat a coconut in a hot oven for half an hour. Once the coconut has cooled break it open and grate the flesh inside. Heat this in a saucepan with coconut milk and regular milk until it becomes thick, and then run it through a strainer to remove the coconut pieces, stir in a couple of shots of high quality espresso and enjoy.
The Mexican Mocha is a spicy, warming blend of colorful flavors, perfectly suited to that part of the world. Mix chocolate syrup with ground cinnamon and nutmeg to taste. Add a cup if freshly brewed coffee, preferably Mexican in origin, and a little sugar if required. Little whipped cream on the top with a further...