Credit status or a credit record is the most vital term in the books of any lender. As it gives lender a certain amount of assurance that he will be safely getting his money back. A lender will always ask for your credit score while lending you his money. Most of the people are denied from getting the loan they have applied for. The reason for this is that most of the people are falling under the trap of bad credit as cost of living is increasing and their financial resources are same as before. Bad debt loan are for people facing the trouble of bad credit in getting the loan approval.
Bad credit is defined in relation with your credit score. Many people are confused with the term credit score. A credit score is the reflection of your debts history. When you make late payments, or having unpaid credit card bills, taken IVAs or CCJs in the past, or faced a situation of bankruptcy in the past, all these affects your credit score in a negative manner. If your score is below 600 than it will be considered as bad credit score in eyes of lenders and would create trouble for you in getting a loan.
You can consult financial institutions for getting advice on improving...