Behind many mortgages, there are two people. A man and a woman. While both of their names are on the paperwork, one of them never gets involved with the finances more than that.
This person never signs the check that goes out monthly to the mortgage company. Couldn’t tell you what the mortgage balance is. Isn’t sure what happens when the property taxes come due. And hasn’t a clue about the homeowner’s insurance (we have some, right?).
More often than not, this person is the woman. For some women, ‘finances’ is a dirty word.
If you are the woman in your household and you don’t even know what the interest rate is on your mortgage, it’s time to get involved. And here’s why.
* You need to know for yourself where your food and shelter are coming from.
* You are a role model to your kids.
* You need to get financially educated so you can help YOUR mom when she needs you to.
* This world isn’t heaven…when the unthinkable happens (and some version of it probably will), you need to be prepared as best as you can.
* You can’t believe how good you’ll feel when...