After filing bankruptcy, it is a good idea to focus on rebuilding your credit. The easiest way to do this is by taking out one or more new credit lines and showing that you can pay on them responsibly. While you can choose to take out a credit card, you may want to consider refinancing your Alabama mortgage instead.
A Post-Bankruptcy Loan Will Improve Your Credit
By refinancing your Alabama home after filing bankruptcy, you eliminate your current mortgage and replace it with a new loan. You are, in essence, establishing a new credit line. Paying on this new refinance loan in a timely manner will improve your credit and show that you are a responsible borrower.
Other Refinance Loan Benefits
Though a post-bankruptcy Alabama refinance loan will improve your credit, there are other benefits to refinancing as well. If you can obtain a lower rate than the rate you are currently paying, you stand to save a great deal of money over the course of your loan. You may also end up with smaller payments and more extra money to play with every month. Currently, the rates on Alabama refinance loans are dropping. Average refinance loan rates are at 5.62 percent....