Refrigerant Leak Detector And Finding Leaks In Your Air Conditioner
As summer approaches, it is time to start thinking about our cars air conditioning system and if it is working properly. One of the most common problems with an A/C system is refrigerant leaks and locating them. Finding the source of the leak can be a tedious and time consuming. The leaking Freon could come literally anywhere in the system from tubing to a accumulator to a tiny pressure switch gone bad. The EPA has made it much more stringent rules in dealing with refrigerant leaks. The days of topping off the air conditioner with a few cans of R12 are long over. Now even small leaks must found and corrected. Here comes technology to the rescue. There are several methods air conditioning repair shops employ to locate and fix refrigerant leaks. Each method has its pros and cons and their use depends on the situation. The three most commonly used are a electronic refrigerant leak detector, ultraviolet dye leak detection kit, and ultrasonic leak detector units.
Electronic Refrigerant Leak Detectors
Electronic Refrigerant Leak Detectors are the quickest and easiest to use of the three methods....