It is not impossible to regrow hair naturally. From among the bursting shop shelves filled with hair regrowth products, there are products like Procerin which address male hair loss in totality and provide a holistic solution for male pattern balding.
It is a fact that as we age growing new hair becomes more and more difficult for the body, and eventually comes to a crawl. Hence, to regrow hair naturally assumes great importance over the advancing years.
The search for natural hair regrowth products is constant and throws up a range of products, most of which contain single ingredients or a combination of a few follicle stimulants, vitamins, herbs, exfoliators and so on.
For example, products like Hair Regain, Hair Renew, Luftek Natural Hair, Nutrifolica, Nioxin System and more. The advantage of a complete natural hair regrowth product is that it is relatively side-effect free and addresses issues related to blocking DHT as well encouraging hair growth.
The most prevalent form of baldness or cause for baldness in men is – Androgenetic Alopecia or male pattern baldness. Factors like medication, diet, lifestyle and genetics cause...