If you are having problems with your long term relationship, advice can really help. Being in a relationship sometimes means you can’t see the woods for the trees, so some outside input can really help you see things in a new perspective. Check out this article for 5 golden pieces of advice.
Long Term Relationship Advice 1
Learn to communicate again. By far the most common cause of problems with any long term relationship is lack of communication, or lack of appropriate communication. Everyday life tends to blunt our communication skills, and before we know what’s happened we spend more time looking at the TV than we do looking at and speaking to our partners. You can fix this by setting aside some time to talk everyday, even if it’s just sharing whatever happened in your day. A great tip to get this going is to have a No TV During Dinner rule.
Long Term Relationship Advice 2
Arrange some quality time with each other. Again, everyday life can often force us into a life of routine, and sometimes our partners can become part of that routine. You can break this habit by starting something out of the ordinary. Find a hobby for you both to...