As adolescents, boys get their information about sexuality and men’s sexual health from their peers. As teens, locker room talk may titillate, but it provides little in the way of accurate information about men’s health issues. Unfortunately, while adult women are likely to seek out information from professionals, men are more reticent to discuss questions about men’s sexual health and men’s health news in general with their doctors or other professionals. When compared to women, they’re also less likely to discuss their concerns with other men. As a result, men are often left to wonder about issues that are common to many men, particularly questions about men’s sexual health.
Luckily, with the explosion of the Internet, a wealth of information has become available that answers men’s questions – anonymously. While there are certainly many bogus sites with misinformation, discerning men are able to find reputable websites that discuss men’s issues or that include a men’s health forum.
Men’s sexual health questions cover a wide range of topics. For example, condoms are widely (and correctly) seen as...