Some automobile owners do not feel confident that their old car could make a short trip out of town without breaking down. They will approach many rental car agencies while surfing the internet to find great rates on weekend rentals. The prices might be for a smaller car than they are used to but the low prices make them very attractive and people choose those rental cars to drive short distances.
If a traveler wants to impress someone when they rent a car for the weekend, they might choose to select a four-wheel drive vehicle that costs almost as much as a house at the car lot price. Then rental charges for these super luxury vehicles will certainly not impress the renter but the passenger might think that they were living life at its finest even if it is just for a short time on a brief trip out of town for the weekend.
Coupons make renting a car for the weekend a very affordable option. People get offers for rental car discounts because of aggressive mail marketing campaigns. The traveler might have signed up for these notices when they joined a frequent flyer club and the coupons will often give the traveler great discounts if they choose to fly and drive to...