One of the criterion a teacher sticks to in order to evaluate your research papers is the way it is written, namely the manner of expression produced by the authors choice of words, grammatical structures, use of literary devices, and all the possible parts of language use. All together, the teacher evaluates your writing style.
Therefore, if you are aiming at high grades and a distinguish research paper, you should pay special attention to the layout of your research paper ideas in the first place.
First of all, you should remember that a research paper is a formal paper. Thus, you should obey all the principles of formal writing that include:
1. Sophisticated vocabulary;
2. Impersonal tone;
3. More frequent use of passive voice;
4. Complex sentence constructions;
5. Formal linking devices;
6. Punctuation;
7. Overall presentation.
Lets look at these points one by one, so that you can ensure that your research paper meets the requirements of the formal writing.
1. Sophisticated Vocabulary
Sophisticated vocabulary is a must while writing a research paper. The use of thoughtful words will definitely...