ResellersPanel Launches Version 2.0 of Its Control Panel and a New Web Hosting Plan
ResellersPanel, the free web hosting reseller program, announces that the new version of its Resellers Control Panel, simply named Resellers Panel v2, has been built, tested and launched. Some of the upgrades include better client management tools, a new Invoice Manager section, an improved statistics section with more details and an easier to work with main navigation menu with modified titles and descriptions of the different sections. Resellers Panel v2 now offers technical support through a new trouble ticket system, where the resellers can request help by opening a ticket or themselves provide direct support to their existing hosting customers.
New updates to the clients hosting control panel, which is now available also in Dutch, have been made as well. They include multi-year bulk domain registration and multi-domain registration/transfer options, PHP5 support, new Registrar-Lock Status/Obtain EPP Key/Invite a Friend options, an RSS news generator, which allows the hosting clients to add free news content onto their websites, and an SPF protection section where they can...