Always find yourself short of cash or in debt because of unnecessary or impulse buys. There are certain people who cannot control such a behavior and they cannot leave a store or shop without bringing a small item for that matter. I have to admit that controlling such takes a lot of discipline and self control. I will provide here some helpful ways to get yourself started in taking charge of your wallet.
I have to admit shopping gives you a certain feeling of high. But that high is just a temporary feeling of pleasure. When you do window shopping, leave your wallet at home so that you wont get to spend a cent unless you really need something. Otherwise, if you dont need to buy anything but just go to the mall for some window shopping, I suggest that you dont bring any money along with you to avoid spending.
Most people especially women usually shop in groups with friends. There have been studies that show that people spend more when shopping in groups rather than when shopping by themselves though there are those people who shop alone. Go with someone who is not a big shopper.
It is better to pay in cash than on credit. There are some people who get into...