Credit is a topic which is often discussed and not as much is known about it. This article will focus upon the responsible uses of student credit. Within the United States, it is estimated that 55 million credit card users pay off their bill every month out of 140 million users. This article will explain how you can be one of the 55 million and how you can choose never to pay interest if you want to. This will help foster responsible uses of student credit.
When you are first working on building your credit, a cornerstone of your financial life is to live within your means. This is a strategy which you will want to take within your entire financial life. There are not as many financially disciplined people in the United States as there should be and this is why credit card companies make so much money off of finance charges.
The average American household is in credit card debt for about nine thousand dollars. When you think about the finance charges on an annualized basis with an interest rate of twenty percent, the average household owes eighteen hundred dollars in finance charges. You are paying out one hundred fifty dollars a month just because you could not...