How Best to Collect the Tons of Money You Will Earn with Your New Restaurant Cash, Check or Charge?
Perhaps the most exciting part when establishing a restaurant, or any business for that matter, is collecting the money. What is business for but to earn? For some the only concern is the money. Money these days is no longer limited to a single monetary form but different modes as well, which may be called the three big Cs cash, check, and card or charge. Which is the best mode to earn? This could be a puzzling question for the aspiring entrepreneur. Hopefully, the following will help clear things up.
Cash: Instant Gratification
Perhaps the most common form of money is cash. Nothing wets the appetite for business like crisp new bills. It is the monetary form you are most familiar with and thus, the one most connected to profits and earnings. Cash is good, because it is money in its clearest form, tangible and physical, it is finance incarnate. It is immediately disposable and can be used anywhere.
However, more people try to avoid carrying cash nowadays. First, cash can be bulky; carrying a lot entails one to bring wads of paper. Second, since...