Today what everyone assumes that attracting more and more visitors is the easiest way to increase the traffic. Somehow it is true, but a site will be truly popular if it makes the new visitors to come back again and again. It is much easier getting people to visit your site first time than it is getting them to come back. Now the question is what is that thing that gives an impact on someone so that he visit the site again and again?
There is no any formula; there are so many things you need to do that can change a first time visitor to a regular visitor. In this article I am giving you some good ways so that visitors just stick to your site and make the visits regularly.
Navigation Structure
This is the easiest way of getting return visitors to your site. The users can easily get frustrated if they are finding hard to search something on your website. Always use three clicks formula in your site navigation structure so that the visitors get all the required information in just three clicks. The best way to do that is to create a site map. Put a site map on the home page and on the footer of every page. These are very helpful, for both visitors and...