Have you ever felt stressed out over getting your to do list done for the day? Have you felt pressed down and around to get projects turned in on time? You wish there was 27 hours in a day? How about if you could be cloned 20 times? Imagine a life with more time and more of you?
Well back to reality. You can gain time back and get what really needs to be done in the day. Most activities are just busy work. That usually leads to nothing. Nothing in thin air. How do you know what activities in your day are supporting your day? Is it busy work or productive work? Here are two steps to get you on the productive path to time:
Step one: Most important is to sort out what your goals are for that day. Then plan the activities that you need to take to hit that goal for the day. For instance say you were planning a trip. How would you plan it? Where would you go? You would need to get airfare and hotel accommodation. What sites would you see? What will you pack? Will it be cold or warm? Your day is like that. You plan the activities that will take you where you want to go.
Step two: Write out the activities that support your plan for the day. You may need to adjust...