Making money with Ty Couglins Reverse Funnel System is, in my opinion, one of the best sales systems that I have seen in the internet marketing industry in a very long time. The entire marketing campaign is set up for you so all you need to do is drive traffic.
The reverse funnel system can work for you if you are willing to put forth the effort to get traffic. Once you have acquired a lead thats interested in the product everything from that point on is done for you, including follow up emails, phone calls and teleseminars. I have performed all these functions in promoting my internet marketing training business and know first hand how much effort is required to develop an autoresponder sequence, follow-up calls and performing the teleconference. That alone is a lot of work and with my training program I still have to drive the traffic as well. Talk about heavy work load!
Tys Reverse Funnel System takes most of the hard work off your hands and allows you to only have to drive traffic. For some driving traffic is a very difficult and confusing task which is why I have released a free internet marketing report called The Constant Conversation, to get a copy make...