Ornaments like bracelets, wedding rings and gemstone rings have always fascinated the human mind. Of these, bracelets have existed for almost 7000 years now, and are chiefly manufactured from precious stones, metals and some commonly found substances like leather, clothes, wooden pieces, rocks, beads, shells etc. The purpose of wearing a bracelet could vary from decorating one’s body to providing somebody with medical assistance or an identification tool. The article’s past and present is full of glorious stories like any other jewelry item on earth. The word Bracelet is thought to have originated from the Latin term “brachile” meaning “of the arm”.
People in some Latin American countries think of bracelets named Azabache as a shield for the newborn babies against the evil eyes. Such bracelets are normally made either from gold or its alloys. Some gold necklaces, apart from the gold bracelet forms we spoke of, are also occasionally given the same name however, making the category a broader set of protective jewels like gold bracelets, gemstone rings, gold chains, gold necklaces etc. Similar protective ornaments are also found in many...