Rewards Credit Cards Are They Really a Sweet Deal?
Rewards are everywhere! Gas stations… grocery stores… pharmacies… hotel chains… They all claim to reward you on purchases that you make. Likewise, credit card companies have their own rewards credit cards programs. Simply put, the more you spend, the more rewards you get from a rewards credit card. Sounds like a sweet deal, doesnt it?
The Fun Factor of Rewards Programs
Unless you’re a savvy rewards credit card shopper that’s done his or her homework, then you might end up feeling like a kid again or worse yet, a fool. Remember dropping quarter after quarter into the machine trying to get that cute little stuffed animal only to end up with a little plastic finger ring and empty pockets. If lucky, you might have gotten that irresistible toy after all, but it probably cost you way more than it was really worth. With games, I guess the idea is “fun,” and if you get rewarded that’s even better. But with rewards credit cards, is the “fun factor” worth your hard earned money? Read more to find out how to keep the fun in the rewards.