Most experts believe that our obsession with nose reshaping stems from history. Who can forget the Greek Gods with their acquiline shapely noses thrust in the air? However, per Rhinoplasty Los Angeles expert Dr. Vladimir, our interest in Rhinoplasty is mainly due to our interest in fine chiseled features.
So whether it is chin implants, or body contouring, or even breast enlargement Los Angeles customers mainly clamour for a sleek and sharp look.
This fits in nicely with our preconceived notion of a slim body being sought after.
So is the future bright for Plastic Surgeons?
It depends, in our opinion. While modern science has near perfected the art of plastic surgery, there is still an ethical dilemma to some. Should we accept what is natural and suffer, or help improve ourselves through a cosmetic surgery? Los Angles Plastic Surgery patients in general we feel are happy with their choices.
On the other hand, some among Los Angeles tummy tuck and Liposuction Los Angeles patients does mention that it may be construed to provide the easy way out to many overweight people who dont watch their diets. This is often not true as many people can do...