UK drivers are putting themselves at risk because they struggle to keep their eyes on the road.
Roadside objects such as billboards, flashing signs and Christmas decorations cause a third of motorists (32 per cent) to lose concentration while behind the wheel. And 41 per cent of these drivers confess to being distracted for up to 5 seconds which equates to driving 15 car lengths at 30mph two and a half times the stopping distance needed at this speed. At 60mph, this means drivers would find themselves travelling at least the length of a football pitch without their full concentration on the road.
Overall roadside distractions are pulling the attention of 83 per cent of UK drivers away from the roads, Privilege finds.
And its male drivers who are most affected as one in five (22 per cent) confess to being captivated by scantily-clad women on adverts, compared to just one in ten female drivers by semi-naked male models (11 per cent).
As public spaces become cluttered with illuminating and moving visuals, 26 per cent of British drivers have been distracted by huge advertising hoardings, a fifth (21 per cent) by the new vehicle activated signs and...