Roses have gotten a bad wrap over the years for being difficult to grow and maintain. If you are thinking of rose gardening dont let this rumor stop you. While rose gardening can prove to be challenging, once you get the hang of it, it really isnt that bad.
When you first start rose gardening, you will have to choose what type of rose you wish to plant, and no, Im not talking about the color. You will have to choose between bare-root, pre-packaged, and container-grown roses. Bare-root roses are sold in the winter and early spring. They should be planted as soon as frosts are over and the ground is warm and workable. Pre-packaged roses are bare-root plants that are sold in a bad or box with something around the roots to retain moisture, such as sawdust. Container-grown roses are grown; you guessed it, in containers. They will be either budding or already in bloom when they become available in the early spring.
Planting in rose gardening is not that much different than any other type of plant. The most important thing, as always, is good, healthy soil and a prime planting area. It doesnt matter whether your roses are bare-root or container-grown, the planting...