Roulette is a game played by one to seven individuals. Bets are placed by positioning chips on a certain number that they would want to win. These chips are only for roulette and can not be used for any other game. Each player have a different color of chips, in order for the dealer to recognize who the chip belongs to, making it easier for him to do the payouts later. With this, a rule is set that hands are to be kept out of the table as soon as all the betting is done. The dealer then, spins the wheel.
Bets in roulette are of two types, the inside and the outside betting.
A point to remember is that roulette is not a game of prediction and possibility. All numbers that are on the roulette wheel lands unplanned, or at random.
If you are losing, do acknowledge the fact that you are not simply lucky “today”. Don’t keep playing hoping that you could gain back your losses. You may end up losing too much. Stop, because there are still better days to come.
As in any other casino game, before the game, consider following these suggestions:
*Keep in mind that you are in the casino to enjoy yourself, to be entertained.