RSS Advertising for Your Blog? Why Its Still Good for You
The problem with the Internet is that there is just so much information floating around that it can be a full-time job just to sift through the good ones and ignore the so-so ones. Its like TiVo on the Web – you only get to access the stuff you really like and avoid the ones that make you cringe, all without the interruption of unwanted material. But whats this? RSS advertising for blogs and websites? Is this the end of an era or just simply part of the Internets evolution?
Why RSS matters Advertising on RSS is ruffling a few feathers mainly because its a concept that seems to go against the very nature of RSS. For the uninitiated, RSS consists of different Web-feed formats that are utilized for publishing or posting content online. RSS works mainly for content that frequently undergo updates, such as news, podcasts and of course, blogs.
The purpose of the RSS is to allow regular visitors of a site to access relevant updates by simply subscribing to its RSS feed. Its convenient, particularly because it eliminates the necessity to access a site and sort through the contents.
Will RSS...