RSS Feeds are a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated content such as blog entries, news headlines or podcasts. RSS is useful both personally and professionally. It is designed to show you what’s new based on the source. RSS has become a very popular and powerful means for communicating.
Web feeds are operated by news web sites, blogs, schools, and podcasters. Blog users, news publishers, government agencies, and many personal and commercial Web sites support the format. Web Clips is the Google name for RSS feeds. Since feeds are not viewable in the browser directly, the user requires an online or an offline feed reader to view them. Web based feed readers give the advantage of letting you read feeds from any computer from within your web browser.
Search engines can be used to find content in RSS format. Because RSS is popular with both bloggers and news media organizations, you can use RSS search engines to find information in near real-time. RSS based search engines can be quite useful; their big advantage is that they index individual items rather than pages that may contain many items. : Advertising in feeds overcomes many of...