There seem to be several theories as to what RSS stands for so I will go with the most popular, Real Simple Syndication.
OK, enough geek speak, you want to know what it can do for you, right?
I imagine your car radio has several stations programmed in. These will be the stations that best fit your tastes. There may be a few featuring your favourite music and perhaps a traffic report station. Having them programmed into your radio means you can access them with one push of the button instead of searching everytime you want to tune in.
RSS can do the same for your web browsing. Rather than opening endless emails or trawling through websites hoping to find a nugget of useful information you can subscribe to RSS feeds from the people that have something interesting to say.
Your RSS reader will give you a headline and perhaps a line or two from the latest update and you can then decide whether to read on or not in much the same way as you scan the headlines in a newspaper until you see a story of interest.
There are RSS feeds available on just about every topic you can imagine. Whether you want to keep up on world news or the latest trivia you...