Sales Training Brisbane Tips – 21 ways to increase sales!
1. Prepare Yourself To Excel.
Use a checklist to prepare your attitude, appearance, customer information, company and product information and the selling environment, so you can be at your best on every call.
2. Notice What Is Working.
Study yourself, your product or service and your company to know what is working now. Reinforce the actions and tools, which are generating results. Learn from your successes as well as your failures.
3. Know Your Competitive Advantage.
Study your company and your products and services in relation to what your competitors offer. Know where and how you stand out, and where you don’t. Be prepared to discuss these comparisons at any moment.
4. Improve Your Sales Skill, Not Just Your Product Knowledge.
Don’t rely on product knowledge to make you more persuasive. Sharpen your skills in reading people, describing your offer in compelling ways and in asking for the order at the right time.
5. Target The People Who Are Your Best Prospects.
Best customers have patterns. Most will fit the same pattern,...