Sample Resumes Are A Great Way To Begin Composing Your Own
A resume is really a composition that needs to be a masterpiece if you expect to get the jobs that you want. One could compare it to a musical composition in that it will change throughout your life in tone, and content, and also that it is based on the music (or in this case sample resumes) that have influenced and shaped that way you view life and music (or resumes).
Most of the learning that we do in this life is by way of imitation. We learn to walk faster if we have older children walking around us. We learn to play basketball better if we are playing with people that possess more skills than us. We learn by imitation and that is because it takes a very special person to have the ability to form new thoughts and ideas about something and in general it takes too long. This is why there are things like a sample resume that help us to find the basic form, structure, and objective which we will use to compose our own.
The analogy breaks down because resumes are not expected to be original in form, content, or organization of the information contained therein. You are expected to be able to give the...