The History of Massage Therapy
When scheduling your next San Diego massage therapy treatment at Glow MD Skin Care, or if youve never had a San Diego massage therapy treatment before, you might be wondering about how the practice of massage therapy began. Interestingly enough, one of the oldest healing arts we still practice today is the art of massage. There are Chinese records of massage therapy being utilized as far back as 3,000 years. Documented use of massage also goes back to the ancient Hindus, Persians and Egyptians who applied forms of massage for a number of ailments. Hippocrates wrote papers suggesting the use of rubbing and friction for joint and circulatory problems. Today, we now know that the benefits of massage therapy are both varying and are far-reaching. Massage therapy plays a part in many physical rehabilitation programs, and massage therapy has also proven itself to be beneficial for a number of chronic conditions including lower back pain, bursitis, fatigue, arthritis, high blood pressure, immunity suppression, infertility, diabetes, an aid to helping smokers stop smoking, and as an anti-depressant, and more. And, as many millions will confirm,...