The prices of gasonline or petrol increase daily, wherever you live in the world. The price of a barrel of oil has quadrupled since the beginning of the millennium. It went from about $20 a barrel to almost $80 in these days.
The Reason to Save Fuel
The resources of fossil energy deplete. Oil has served as the backbone of the modern society. Gas and coal also have plaid an important role, but oil has prevailed. The book The Final Energy Crisis forecasts a dramatic development during the next years. They expect that the peak of the oil production will be achieved around the end of this decade and that the production will fall, although the demand will increase further. This means higher energy prices. Another source says that the oil reserves will be exhausted in about 43 years and the reserves of natural gas in about 64 years.
No Easy Going Alternatives at Hand
There is a lot of research going on worldwide in the field of solar power and hydrogen power. They will have to substitute oil, gas, coal and uranium in an intermediate term. Photovoltaic, wind power and power from biomass progress quickly. The process of transformation lasts decades. New...