Save Money By Keeping Charge Your Personal Air Cooler Working Well
If like everyone else these days, youre looking to reduce your fuel costs, check your charge air coolers. Also called an intercooler, this component of your engine is essential to keeping your engine fuel efficient. As part of the turbocharger mechanism, if your charge air cooler is leaking or not working properly, your engines combustion, horsepower and emissions are all affected. If your engine isnt working at its best, youll be burning fuel unnecessarily.
To understand how charge air coolers work, its important to first understand something about how air acts around heat. The more that air gets compressed, the hotter it gets. And as the air temperature increases, it expands as well. This increase in temperature and pressure is part of the turbo charging process. But what you want to get the best performance from your turbo charging technology is to get more air into the mechanism, not just more air pressure. So as the hot, compressed air comes out of the compressor, you want to cool the air before it passes into the engine. This is where charge air coolers come in. A charge air cooler looks...