Save Money On Your Car Insurance Price Even If You Live In One Of The Towns Deemed “Hotspots”
With a study being conducted into which towns in the UK are considered to be hotspots when it comes to having your car stolen or being involved in an accident and the results now being announced it is important to remember that you can still save money on your car insurance price even if you live in or near one of the hotspot areas.
The towns which have hit the top of the list have seen the most incidents which have required an insurance claim to be made and have such have labelled them as car damage hotspots. When it comes to cars being stolen then the worst place to live and try to get cheap insurance is in the North of England says the research from Budget insurance. Hull holds the top spot then Bradford and Leeds.
Of course there are many ways that you yourself can reduce theft with some of the most simpler being the installation of security features such as steering locks, alarms, etched windows, immobilizers and car alarms. These all help to deter the thief and so keep your car safe, you should also make sure that you keep your car in a garage...