Save Money On Your Policy By Checking Your Policy Paperwork
If the majority of us are truthful, then when asked most of us would have to raise our hand and admit that we dont read all the small print and paperwork of our insurance policies. However, this is a big mistake and many of us could be paying more for our insurance than we need to.
One of the reasons we could be paying out too much in premiums is down to the fact that we are paying out for something which we think is covered by the policy when in fact it is not. There are many exclusions hidden in insurance policies, and as boring as it is, the paperwork shouldnt be put aside before being scoured for these exclusions.
For example, some policies will cover office equipment in the home such as computers and fax machines. However the majority of policies will have a limit on how much you can claim for. If you have a number of computers or office equipment in your home then it is worthwhile checking your policy for the amount that it is covered for. You could find a cheaper policy that doesnt include this type of equipment and still make a saving by taking additional cover in order to protect the...