There are many advantages to using audio and web conferencing to establish solid communication to all of your clients and employees across the world. It is true that a real face-to-face meeting is sometimes called for, but the sheer expensive of sending a representative to another state or another country is daunting.
There are travel expenses, food reimbursement, and accommodation expenses. You really have to ask yourself whether the cost was worth the gain.
This is particularly true when you consider the full abilities of an audio conference or a web conference. First, let us analyze the abilities of an audio conference. An audio conference lets anyone with the proper phone setup enter a virtual meeting and discuss the veritable plethora of issues that may come up. It effectively pulls them all into your board room without your having to pay anything more than the small cost of setting up the teleconference.
Current technology even allows for teleconferencing across the world without incurring the high cost of long distance minutes. Some conferences will be cheaper than even just calling the people individually.
That is just an audio conference. A...