It is common sense that energy and vitality are essential for a long and enjoyable life. What’s more, it is important for continued personal growth. I’m not talking about growing tall or anything like that. I’m talking about learning new things and gaining experience. You won’t think about trekking, trying a new hobby, or learning a new language if you feel that your career and family life are more than enough. You certainly can’t think about trying the new Thai place if you almost cry with relief upon reaching your doorstep. Your lack of energy and vitality zaps your chances of improving the quality of your life. What to do? Read on and find out in three easy steps.
First, energy and vitality depend on two factors: physical and psychological health. Physical health refers to your over-all physical condition: sickness, weight problems, injuries, etc. Psychological health concerns include mental activity, social interactions, emotional intelligence, and your over-all perception of your self. It is important that these two are in-synch with each other for you to enjoy optimum energy and vitality. Therefore, it is necessary to tailor your...