The money you spend on groceries is an area of your home budget that you can really save some money on. In our situation we are a family of four and our budget is $125.00 per week. I would not say we are pinching pennies, and by no means are we being extravagant. We also live in the Pacific Northwest. Prices do vary somewhat according to where you live.
There are many of you out there spending twice this amount. Even in our situation which many of you may find on the average or low side we could easily tighten our belts and lower this bill by 30%. Yes, 30%
For the amount we spend, a 30% savings amounts to $1950.00 a year. If you are spending twice the amount we are, that 30% savings can amount to a budget savings of almost $4000.00 a year. That is a nice chunk of change for that big screen TV, or to pay down your debt, or whatever other means you want to use it for.
Before we get into some details I want to add that a key element to managing and reducing any aspect of your budget is having the right attitude. Also, you need to have some discipline and be able to stick to your guns. Set goals that are attainable.
Six quick tips to save money on your...