Heading off to college can be a nerve-racking experience, particularly when you start adding up all of the expenses you will be facing when you attend school. Though college is going to be somewhat costly regardless of what you do, there are a few things you can do to help save yourself some money when heading off to pursue your dreams.
Take Advantage of Pre-Paid Meal Plans
With pre-paid meal plans, which are offered by most colleges to students staying on campus, you can actually get a pretty good deal when it comes to how much you will be paying per meal. Of course, you need to be on campus and at the student dining hall in order to take advantage of these free meals. Try not to get caught up in socializing off campus so much that you miss out on the meals you have already paid for with the pre-paid meal plan.
Shop Smart when Purchasing Textbooks
College textbooks can be quite costly. In fact, the books you need for just one class can cost you hundreds of dollars if you buy your books from the campus bookstore.
Rather than shelling out unnecessary dollars, see about buying the used books the store will have to offer. You will need to...