Say goodbye to endless night shifts spent in the server room! Farewell to degrading manual labor on archiving, transferring and recovering data. Bye-bye the sleepless after-hours! You will no longer have to spend all that time on performing general maintenance and routine operations on an Oracle database, however complex it is.
Hire an invisible assistant to monitor databases instead of you! DBA Easy Control for Oracle by is trained in minutes, and performs flawlessly once you tell it what to do. Being developed by professional database developers, DBA Easy Control is a highly educated and professionally trained assistant to a busy database administrator. It can monitor the Alert Log for errors, watch the free space based on your thresholds, keep an eye on access rights, look after the archive log area, and monitor many more important parameters for multiple Oracle databases.
Relax by off-loading routine operations to a prompt assistant! DBA Easy Control automates routine operations by preparing a SQL query to be performed manually or periodically by the system scheduler. Transfer tables, sections and sub-sections, re-build indexes...