Getting the best deal on a credit card is not always about jumping from one 0% APR card to another and getting a bad name for you. As you will because the credit card companies are getting wise to this and are beginning to refuse serial jumpers their credit card application.
This though is not aimed at those who up until now have found it easy to get their hands on any credit card that they choose; this article is aimed at those who find it extremely difficult to get their hands on a credit card at all and can only dream of taking advantage of all the 0% interest deals that are out there.
Your low credit rating can affect your application
This is down to the fact that many potential credit card customers have such a low credit scoring that the credit card issuers; see them as too much of a credit risk. So they ultimately refuse issuing those with a low credit scoring the cards, as they only want those, who they see as profit making customers. This can even happen to you if you have no debt and never have had debt, as the credit card lenders only go on credit information that is held on you on their data bases. So if you have no credit history, they...